Markey speaks widely on her books and other work.
universities & colleges
Boston College
Talk on “Choosing Solidarity in Times of Tyranny”
Center for Human Rights and International Justice
Georgetown University
The Assassination of Sr. Maura
Edmund A Walsh School of Foreign Service, Center for Latin American Studies
Loyola University Chicago
The Gannon Center for Women and Leadership
New york university
Up Sligo and Hurrah for the Far Downs: The Irish Roots of a Cold War Martyr
Glucksman Ireland House, School of Arts and Sciences
University of Notre Dame
A Radical Faith: The Assassination of Sister Maura
Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism
Kenyon College
Department of Religious Studies
University of Mount Union
Peace Studies Forum
University of Portland
Faith, Politics and the Assassination of Sr. Maura Clarke
Garaventa Center for Catholic Intellectual Life & American Culture
University of San Francisco
Keynote, Prophetic Leadership Women Shaping Catholic Social Tradition